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Dunhuang network set seller exam: performance qualified punishment appeal conditions

2016-05-21 06:20:11来源: 亿邦动力网


May 21st news, even after graduation from the school, cross-border export sellers can not escape the fate of the exam. Billion state power network was informed yesterday, Dunhuang officially launched an online examination system, the examination results as the seller can remove the punishment of straw". Dunhuang network said that the seller online examination system is to help businesses familiar with the platform rules and processes. For false waybill number, do not sell, exceed the standard rate of transaction disputes, the refund rate exceed the standard penalty of the seller, provide examination has become one of the necessary conditions required for the seller to provide the complaint when. Dunhuang online examination system examination seller (more than 92) and in accordance with the conditions of success is given other appeal termination penalties; selling table failed the exams is not through a complaint. If the seller fails to pass the examination, you can choose to test again until qualified. According billion state power network understanding, currently Dunhuang network sellers online exam will select 25 questions for each...