新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝红军抢购罗马妖人 开价2650万镑PK伦敦两强

曝红军抢购罗马妖人 开价2650万镑PK伦敦两强

Offered 26.5 million pound PK demon revealed the reds for roma London cauldron

2017-01-29 19:10:05来源: 华体网

帕雷德斯是利物浦的猎物 1月29日讯 据英国《太阳报》报道,近日在三条战线上遭遇三连败的红军利物浦,打算在中场进行人员补强。俱乐部高层目前已经计划花费2650万英镑求购罗马队22岁的中场悍将帕雷德...

Paredes is Liverpool's prey on January 29th - according to a report in Britain's the sun newspaper, recently met with burnley on three fronts the reds, in midfield for reinforcement. High-level club is now plans to spend 26.5 million pounds for roma midfielder mascherano, at the age of 22, Mr Reid...