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剧透原来是这样 iPhone 7在美剧中曝光

Said the plot is so iPhone 7 exposure in the play

2016-07-22 14:58:46来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:9月的苹果发布会离我们越来越近,有关于iPhone 7的消息密集如雨,此前曾有人士爆料苹果将改变营销模式,不在绝对保密,大家可能会在发布前一段时间就能看到新机的身影,现在,似乎这一传...

Zhongguancun online news: apple conference in September is getting closer and closer to us, with news about the iPhone 7 dense rain, people have reported apple will change the marketing model, is not absolute secrecy, we may be some time before release can see a new figure, now, it seems this pass...