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Revelation "flash stores"

2018-03-17 11:12:00来源: 品途网

快闪店,根据人格化的个性特征,提供一个短期聚集消费者的效应,由于其呈现速度快、部落特征明显、口碑效应足,快闪店很快成为推进中国零售市场的时尚风向标。那么,一个好的快闪店应该怎样设计?这里有一份清晰、操作性强的设计手册,以供参考。认知升级1. 认知升级——设计设计= 艺术创作。许多人最开始接触设计时,会觉得设计更多的在于艺术的创作,会更多的思考美,也在关注什么叫“形式”,什么叫“功能”这些东西,然后如何把这些思考与认识应用在建筑的设计上。设计= 解决问题。在实际参与工作的过程中,设计成为了解决问题的手法,一些开发商和工程师也会更看重通过设计解决实际问题。设计=&nb...

Flash, according to the personal characteristics, provide a short-term effect of consumers, because of its obvious trait of rendering speed, tribal and word of mouth effect, flash shop soon becomes a fashionable vane of promoting China's retail market. So, how to design a good flash shop? Here is a clear, strong operability design handbook, for your reference. Cognitive upgrade 1. & have spent Cognitive upgrade - design design = & have spent The artistic creation. Many people started contact with the design, will feel the design more lies in the creation of art, can think of more beautiful, also focused on what is called "form", what is "functional" these things, and then how to apply the thinking and understanding on the design of the building. Design = & have spent To solve the problem. In actual participation in the process of work, design has become a problem solving technique, some developers and engineers will also be more value through design to solve practical problems. Design = & nb...