新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄轩来了,隔着屏幕都能听到尖叫声(图)


Huang Xuan come, across the screen can hear the screams (FIG.)

2017-03-24 18:52:06来源: 中工网

电影《非凡任务》由麦兆辉、潘耀明执导,庄文强编剧,黄斌监制,黄轩、段奕宏、郎月婷等主演,正式提档至3月31日18:00全国公映。21日晚,《非凡任务》济南校园路演见面会在山东艺术学院举行,映后导演潘耀明携主演黄轩现身山艺大礼堂并接受记者采访。 记者朱德蒙 真实反映卧底缉毒警的故事 ...

Film special task directed by Alan mak, HKSC, Roger, Ronald wong producer, starring Christine and Huang Xuan, yihong duan, lang month, officially lift gear to March 31 18:00 released across the country. On the evening of 21 "special task" jinan campus roadshow event held in shandong college of art, film after director HKSC carry starring Huang Xuan appeared mountain art auditorium and an interview. Reporter Zhu Demeng really reflect the undercover antidrug police story...