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梦幻西游手游玩家交流会开启 报名地址查询

Fantasy Westward Journey tour players exchange will open enrollment address query

2015-10-09 18:58:19来源: 科技讯

随着《梦幻西游手游》全民PK赛的结束,这次2015梦幻西游手游玩家交流会正式开启,玩家们可以与全民PK赛三强零距离接触哦,下面让我们看看这次交流会内容吧。 【科技讯】10月09日消息,随着《梦幻西游手游》全民PK赛的结束,这次2015梦幻西游手游玩家交流会正式开启,玩家们可以与全民P...

with the end of the "dream swims on the west travel" national PK tournament, the 2015 Fantasy Westward Journey tour players exchange will officially open, players can be a universal PK Triwizard zero distance contact with Oh, let us see the exchanges will be content. [technology news] October 09, news, with the end of the "dream swims on the west travel" national PK tournament, the 2015 Fantasy Westward Journey tour players exchange will officially open, players can and national p...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游