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丹麦乳品Arla入驻京东 只带来了两罐奶粉

The Danish dairy Arla in jingdong Only brought two cans of milk powder

2016-03-23 11:41:35来源: 亿邦动力网


On March 23, Australian milk powder to enter the Chinese market in succession, Denmark's milk powder brand resistance could stand at last. Billion state power network, according to the Danish Arla mother-to-child overseas flagship store recently opened in jingdong global purchase, the main infant milk powder. Arla mother-to-child overseas flagship store home page for now, the store only two goods to choose from, shop no extension quantity information page. Shipping goods from guangzhou nansha bonded zone, does not support 7 days no reason to return, the relevant person in charge of Arla said, hope that through the Arla jingdong platform in the Chinese market influence, enhance brand awareness and market share in China. Hundred million bond power net understand dairy producers to Arla, founded in 1881, established the production base in 12 countries, products have been the Danish crown the title of "the Danish crown imperial brand". At present, the brand market share in China is not high. Near the global purchase search Arla milk powder...

标签: 京东