新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超萌小球迷对话瓜帅:你和梅西很熟? 让他来曼城!

超萌小球迷对话瓜帅:你和梅西很熟? 让他来曼城!

Super dialogue melon of small fans handsome: you and Lionel messi is cooked? Let him to Manchester city!

2016-07-23 16:47:10来源: 网易

网易体育7月23日报道: 虽然在球场边和私下的生活中,是一个不折不扣的工作狂,但是在面对小孩的时候,瓜迪奥拉却展现了和蔼可亲的一面。最近,一位幸运的曼城小球迷,7岁的布莱顿,在曼市出租车上和瓜迪奥...

Netease sports July 23: although the courtside and private life, is a real workaholic, but in the face of the child, pep guardiola has displayed the affable. Recently, a lucky city small fans, Brighton, 7 years old in Manchester in the taxi and melon dior...