新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国VS哥伦比亚前瞻:美洲杯揭幕战 J罗欲返巅峰

美国VS哥伦比亚前瞻:美洲杯揭幕战 J罗欲返巅峰

Us VS Columbia foresight: the opening of the Americas Cup, J Luo wants to return to its peak.

2016-06-03 15:23:49来源: 网易

网易体育6月3日报道: 北京时间6月4日上午9时30分,2016年美洲杯A组首轮小组赛,东道主美国将在加利福尼亚圣克拉拉市的李维斯体育场迎战哥伦比亚,这是本届美洲杯的揭幕战。 交锋历史战绩: 美国和哥伦比亚过去曾交锋17次,美国的成绩是3胜10平4负。两队上一次交锋是在2014年1...

Netease Sports reported on June 3: Beijing time June 4 at 9:30 am, 2016 Copa America Group A first round group match, the host United States will be in Santa Clara, California, Levis Stadium against Colombia, this is the opening game of the Copa America. Battle record: the United States and Columbia had fought 17 times in the past, and the United States achieved 3 wins, 10 draws and 4 defeats. The last battle between the two teams was 1 in 2014.