新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国仅五省公布今年工资指导线 基准线均下调

全国仅五省公布今年工资指导线 基准线均下调

Five provinces announced this year are the only line of wage guidelines are cut

2016-07-26 00:37:31来源: 新浪

文章导读: 企业工资指导线(下称“工资指导线”)从1997年出台,至今已20年。按照惯例,各省份在每年上半年就会发布。不过,截至7月20日,《中国经济周刊》 记者发现,仅有天津、北京、山东、山西、内...

Recite the article: the enterprise wage guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "wage guidelines") from 1997, has 20 years. By convention, the provinces will be released in the first half of each year. However, as of July 20, the China economic weekly "reporter discovery, only in tianjin, Beijing, shandong, shanxi, inner...