新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富力主帅:恒大太强,输给他们并不是悲剧


Fuli manager: evergrande is too strong, lost to them is not a tragedy

2016-09-22 02:47:04来源: 华体网

体育9月21日讯 今晚,足协杯半决次回合,广州富力主场1-3负于广州恒大,以两回合3-5的比分被对手淘汰。赛后,富力主帅斯托伊科维奇表示,富力通过足协杯赛得到了很宝贵的经验。 斯托伊科维奇点评比赛...

Sports news tonight, on September 21, fa cup and a half of the second leg, guangzhou r&f home 1-3 defeat to guangzhou evergrande, with two legs 3-5 score was eliminated by rivals. Fuli through fuli boss stojkovic said after the game, the fa cup is valuable experience. Her comments on the game...