新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿耶斯塔兰:我本以为自己能够带领球队走出泥潭


Ah yeah she LAN: I thought I can lead the team out of the mire

2016-09-22 02:47:04来源: 华体网

体育9月21日讯 今天上午,刚刚遭遇解雇的前瓦伦西亚主帅阿耶斯塔兰正式向蝙蝠军团全队告别,并召开新闻发布会,表达了自己对瓦伦球迷、俱乐部及新闻媒体的感谢。他认为自己突然被解雇是一件很不公平的决定,但...

On September 21, sports news this morning, just encounter fired the former valencia boss ah yeah she formally say goodbye to the bat regiment the team, and held a press conference, expressed at valencia fans, the club and the news media. He thought he was suddenly fired is a very unfair decision, but...