新关注 > 信息聚合 > 豪取英超18连胜!瓜氏曼城会是下支“宇宙队”吗?


By taking the premier league 18 in a row! The melon's Manchester city would be under "cosmos"?

2017-12-28 14:39:38来源: 中国新闻网

中新网客户端北京12月28日电 20轮积58分!北京时间今天凌晨,瓜迪奥拉的曼城在圣詹姆斯公园球场凭借斯特林的进球再一次全身而退。战胜纽卡斯尔联、创造18连胜的同时,也将自己与积分榜第二的同城死敌曼联之间的积分差距拉大到15分。梦幻般的进攻线、稳固的后防端,瓜迪奥拉麾下的曼城会是下一只横...

In addition the client Beijing 28 dec 20 rounds of 58 points! Today early morning Beijing time, pep guardiola Manchester city at st James' park with sterling goal again. Win over Newcastle united, creative, 18 in a row at the same time, also with the table between the second city rivals Manchester united to the widening gap between 15 points. Fantastic offensive line, a solid defensive end, pep guardiola's Manchester city will be under a cross...