新关注 > 信息聚合 > 40岁财富自由?你明明距离40岁失业更近


40 freedom of wealth? You clearly 40 unemployment closer

2017-02-17 11:00:18来源: 中国财经信息网

先讲个真实的故事 大概6-7年前,我服务于一家财富500强外企。故事的主角不是我,是我的上司,市场总监,在那一年他没得到续约合同。 我个人挺喜欢这个上司,他擅长演讲,擅长写作,擅长经营人脉;...

To tell a true story About 6 to 7 years ago, I in the service of a fortune 500 foreign companies. The main character in the story is not me, is my boss, marketing director, in that year he didn't get the contract. Personally, I quite like the boss, he is good at speaking, good at writing, good at business contacts; ...