新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水是人体最好的药


Water is the best medicine the human body

2016-09-08 08:21:28来源: 太平洋女性网

11杯说法耸人听闻 有专家表示了不同意见,认为每天11杯水纯属无稽之谈。水的需求量必须视每个人所处环境(温度、湿度)、健康情况及食物摄取量等而定,没有一个 确定的标准值。目前,仍无确切证据表明,人体对水的需要量与气温升高有关。如果按照本文开头的说法,我们每天要多摄取1/3的水,有可能...

11 cup is sensational Experts say the different opinions that 11 glasses of water a day is nonsense. Water demand must see everyone environment (temperature, humidity), health and food intake and calm, without a certain standard. At present, is still no exact evidence that the body of water requirements related to the temperature rise. If according to the beginning of this article, we spend a third of the water intake, may...