新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝2017年NBA中国赛勇士战森林狼 暂定深圳上海

曝2017年NBA中国赛勇士战森林狼 暂定深圳上海

Exposure to NBA China games 2017 warriors fight the timberwolves tentative shenzhen Shanghai

2017-01-10 16:54:33来源: 华体网

北京时间1月10日,据懒熊体育消息,2017年NBA中国赛两支球队确定为勇士和森林狼,而城市基本确定为深圳和上海两地。 NBA自2004年第一次举办中国赛以来,至2016年已经举办过十届中国赛。...

Beijing time on January 10, according to the lazy bear sports news, NBA China games 2017 two teams to determine and the timberwolves for the warriors, and basic assurance for the shenzhen and Shanghai city. NBA China game was held for the first time since 2004, to 2016, has held the tenth China games. ...