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赤瞳之刃钻石怎么得 在哪得

The edge of the red pupil of the diamond how to get the

2015-05-28 19:12:23来源: 4399

问:4399赤瞳之刃钻石怎么得?赤瞳之刃钻石在哪得? 答:钻石是用人民币购买获得的哦,点击右上角的【充值】就能跳转到充值页面,照着流程输入正确的信息就可以充值了。1块钱=10钻石。

question: 4399 red pupil of the blade diamond? Where is the diamond in the red pupil? A: diamond is purchased with the yuan Oh, click the top right corner of the top of the page can jump to recharge, according to the process right information can recharge. 1 bucks =10 diamond.