新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【姜飞调查】久力神添加“伟哥” 疑流向海南159..

【姜飞调查】久力神添加“伟哥” 疑流向海南159..

[Jiang fly survey long force God add "Viagra" suspected flow of Hainan 159..

2015-10-01 18:14:12来源: 南海网

两家企业久力神产品包装上的批准文号不存在 9月22日,南海网以《久力神添加有毒物质销往全国海南率先斩断销售网络》为题,独家报道了这起事件。其中披露了标称“郑州市益寿堂医药科技有限责任公司”生产的...

two enterprise for a long time force God product packaging approval number does not exist on September 22, South China Sea to the long force God add toxic substances sold to Hainan, the first cut sales network "in the title exclusive reported the incident. The disclosure of the nominal "Zhengzhou yishoutang pharmaceutical science and technology limited liability company" production...