新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直播答题市场节后迎来新转机:搜狐“知识英雄”重启“撒币”


The live answer market has a new turn after the market: "the knowledge hero" of the Sohu restarts the "sown coin"

2018-02-27 23:54:50来源: DoNews

DoNews 2月27日消息(记者 向密) 曾经爆红的“直播答题”,在经过春节期间的休眠期后,节后迎来新转机,新的牌照获得者开始重启“撒币”市场。据悉,搜狐旗下千帆直播推出的直播答题节目《知识英雄》宣布回归,在每晚七点开启“百万撒币”。据搜狐知识英雄相关负责人透露,搜狐旗下千帆直播推出的直播答题节目《知识英雄》于2月23日获得新闻出版广电局审核批复,搜狐知识英雄也已在最近几期节目中挂出了节目备案号。该相关负责人介绍,重启第一日,就开启了“百万撒币”模式,当天直播间用户峰值就超过100万人,掀起了新一轮答题风潮,这几天的运营,体现出这一市场巨大的潜力,因此搜狐决定“百万撒币”要掀起新的高潮。在具...

DoNews February 27th news (reporter to close) once bursts of "live answer", after a period of dormancy during the Spring Festival, the festival ushered in a new turn, the new license winner to restart "and money market. It is reported that the Sohu's sails live launched a live quiz show "knowledge heroes" announced the return, in the night seven points and opened the "million dollars". According to the Sohu intellectual hero relevant responsible person said, the Sohu's sails live launched a live quiz show "Heroes" knowledge obtained in February 23rd the Bureau of press and publication of the audit approval, Sohu also has knowledge of the hero in the recent episode hung out program record number. The relevant person in charge, the resumption of the first day, it opens the "million and currency" mode, the studio user peak of more than 1 million people, set off a new round of answer trend, these days of operation, reflect the huge market potential, so Sohu decided to "million and money" to a new the climax. In the form of...

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