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回忆满满 盘点魔兽世界各职业曾经辉煌的时代

Full of memories Inventory of world of warcraft all career once glorious era

2017-07-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

NO.1 萨满时代 黑风中的杀戮,是我增强不灭的信仰! 黑风过境,寸草不生!曾经在45级封顶的公测时代,一个萨满身穿全套血色装备,拿把破坏者那就是当时的BUG职业。在普遍2000多血的时代一个风怒+地震术不暴击的话就是1000的伤害,即使到今天都是无人可及的。而也正是从那时候开始,几乎所有的联盟都骂部落的萨满为“PK流氓”。拿到顶级武器的萨满=无敌的王者,百战百胜的职业。 NO.2 战士时代 天堂在左,战士向右! 如今的战士,在同等装备同等操作下,可以说是大不如前。但不要忘记,战士曾经也有辉煌的时代。在那个刚刚到60级,玩家血量普遍较低的时候,身穿勇气套手拿奥金斧的战士当时就是...

NO. 1 shaman era Black killings in the wind, I strengthen the immortal faith! Black wind transit, nothing grows! Once in the age of 45 level cap of open beta, a pizza with wear all color in equipment, take the destroyer that is the time of the BUG. In an age of generally more than 2000 blood a windfury + earthquake not crit is 1000 damage, even to this day no one can and. And it was from then on, almost all the union called tribal shaman to PK "rogue". To get the top weapon shaman = invincible king, ever victorious career. Fighters era in the left heaven, NO. 2 to the right! Today's soldiers, under the same equipment under the same operation, can be said to be. But don't forget, soldiers had glorious era. At that just moved to a level 60 player health are generally lower, wearing the courage set of holding the gold axe warrior was...

标签: 魔兽世界