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Mobile payment yesterday easy shopping

2015-06-10 09:24:43来源: 中国宁波网

昨天,一位市民在海曙一家超市用手机刷支付码购买商品。据了解,目前该区的大型商贸企业移动支付覆盖率近六成,消费者可通过支付宝、微信扫码等付款,不带钱包也能逛街购物。 (徐文杰 张黎升 孙倩文 摄)

, a citizen in a supermarket in Haishu code mobile payment brush to buy goods. It is understood that the area of large-scale commercial enterprises mobile payment coverage of nearly six, consumers can through PayPal, micro channel scan code and other payments, not with wallet can shopping. (Zhang Lisheng Sun Qianwen Xu Wenjie)