新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央视名嘴、投资新星,多重光环加身的张泉灵为何为编程猫站台?


CCTV Oprah, investment star, multiple aura plus body Zhang Quanling why the cat as the programming platform?

2018-02-08 21:51:00来源: 品途网

文 | 陆离2015年,42岁的央视知名主持人张泉灵从央视离职,应邀加入猎豹CEO傅盛的紫牛基金担任创始管理合伙人,张泉灵在宣布这一决定时,将其称之为“生命的后半段,我想重来一次”。这一度引发了业界热议。而在投资行业低调前行两年多后,不久前,张泉灵高调宣布投资国内领先的少儿编程教育品牌编程猫,并出任后者的品牌代言人。有趣的是,这也是张泉灵的首次代言,这也再度引发了人们的关注与热议。从央视名嘴到投资新星,张泉灵首次代言的背后逻辑其实,在正式步入投资行业之前,张泉灵是一个“只会在银行买理财的人”,她在过去18年的经验一直是“埋头做好内容”,从...

The | Liuli 2015, 42 year old famous CCTV host Zhang Quanling resignation from CCTV, was invited to join the cheetah CEO Fu Sheng purple cow fund as a founding managing partner, Zhang Quanling announced the decision at the time, it was called "the second half of life, I want to do it again". This once triggered a hot debate in the industry. And after two years of low-key investment in the investment industry, Zhang Quanling recently announced that he invested in leading domestic programming education brand, programming cat, and became the brand spokesperson of the latter. Interestingly, this is Zhang Quanling's first endorsement, which has again aroused people's attention and hot discussion. From the CCTV Oprah to investment star, the logic behind the first endorsement of Zhang Quanling in fact, before officially entered the investment industry, Zhang Quanling is a "only in the bank to buy financial people, her experience in the past 18 years has been" hard to do ", from...

标签: 编程