新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《少女舰队》全面升级 中国舰娘再度出击

《少女舰队》全面升级 中国舰娘再度出击

"Girl fleet" comprehensive upgrade China mother ship attack again

2015-07-16 14:31:52来源: 不凡游戏网

《少女舰队》全面升级 中国舰娘再度出击 首款中国舰队拟人手游《少女舰队》将于7月17日开启精英测试,本次测试,《少女舰队》带来了全面升级的游戏内容,包括近百艘中国战舰,严谨的舰种相克策略,新增多个著名海战战役,并且邀请原《刀剑神域》画师亲自操刀,带来从视觉到玩法上的双重一流标准。 近...

the girl fleet "comprehensive upgrade China mother ship again attack the first humanoid Chinese Fleet Tour" maiden fleet will be on July 17 open elite test, the test, the girl fleet with a comprehensive upgrade to the game content, including nearly a hundred Chinese warships, rigorous cruisers restriction strategy, new famous naval battle, and invited the original domain of God sword "artist personally surgeon, brought from vision to play double first-class standard. Nearly...