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《最终幻想13》灵魂级雷霆姐Cosplay 可谓神还原

Final fantasy 13 "soul level sister thunder god reduction for Cosplay

2016-03-03 17:48:43来源: 新浪

出自FF13的“奶挺姐”作为一个“肤白貌美气质佳”的游戏形象,不仅是玩家们经常选择的COS对象,也受到了商家的青睐,之前LV曾邀请她代言自己旗下商品。 “雷霆”在游戏中的形象柔中带刚,既有女子的柔美也带有男人刚强的一面,尤其是那种冷艳的气质和深邃的眼神。要想COS出她的精髓,除了气质...

"Milk from FF13 pretty sister" as a "good skin white beauty temperament" image of the game, is not only the players often choose object of COS, also got the favour of merchants, LV had invited her endorsement before its goods. "Thunder" image in the game just, both the female's gentle and also a man of strong side, especially the sort of elegant temperament and deep eyes. To the essence of COS her, in addition to temperament...

标签: 最终幻想