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浦东交警叫你来玩游戏 微信平台pk交通安全达人

Pudong traffic police tell you to play the game WeChat platform pk traffic safety Daren

2015-12-01 15:57:03来源: 新民网

图说:游戏截图 【新民网·最新报道】通过游戏普及交通安全知识,用动画的形式展现危险驾驶的危害……12月1日,在全国交通安全宣传日到来之前,浦东交警参与制作的“交通安全达人大比拼”手游公测版正式上线。 打开“交通安全达人大比拼”手游,只能先选择单人模式,未在单人模式达成10连对的无...

Caption: [Screenshots] latest reports Xinmin popularize traffic safety knowledge through the game, to show dangerous driving hazard in the form of animation ...... December 1, before the arrival of the National Transportation Safety Awareness Day, Pudong traffic police involved in the production of "traffic safety of the NPC Competition "hand tour officially launched the public beta. Open the "Congress of Traffic Safety Competition" Hand tour, first select only single player mode, it has not even reached 10 for no single player mode ...

标签: 游戏