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工行“融e购” B2B+B2C平台全解构

ICBC "financial e share" B2B+B2C platform of deconstruction special report

2015-01-24 08:30:49来源: 搜狐

特别报道 与传统电商的业务模式不同,银行布局电商的战略考量在于,获取交易数据,与金融数据进行整合,为客户提供金融服务。 传统电商主要拥有交易消费数据,但这些数据也不完全真实,仅凭消费数据作为信贷支撑,整体风险相对较大;而银行多年积累的金融数据能完整了解账户资金的进出、沉淀等情况,...

and traditional business of different business models, strategy is the bank to consider layout cable business, obtain the transaction data, and integration of financial data, provide financial service for customers. The traditional electric with the main consumer transactions data, but these data are not completely true, only consumption data as a credit support, the overall risk is relatively large; and the financial data bank accumulated over the years to complete understanding of the account funds to import, precipitation condition,...