新关注 > 信息聚合 > RTZ与Sumail重归于好 疑似将重回EG

RTZ与Sumail重归于好 疑似将重回EG

RTZ and sumail reconciled suspected will return to EG

2015-08-14 23:34:12来源: 游久网

Secret.Arteezy在TI5之后会加盟哪支战队是玩家们最近比较关心的问题。目前没有任何征兆能够指明他的动向,外界也只能凭借推特上的几句话猜一猜了。.. TI5邀请赛,被寄于厚望Secret成绩并不进入人意,TI5结束后,Secret的人员变动也成为了玩家们关注的焦点。 此...

Secret.Arteezy in ti5 will join which team is the players are more concerned about the recent problems. There are no signs of his movements, the outside world can only rely on a few words on Twitter to guess. Ti5 Invitational, was sent to hopes secret success does not enter the satisfactory, after the end of the ti5, secret personnel changes has also become a focus of the players concerned. This...

标签: AI