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Workers at the grass-roots level art exhibition opening in Beijing

2016-09-17 20:26:16来源: 人民网

京华时报讯(记者赵鹏)从即日起至9月23日,以在农业生产一线岗位上的全国劳模和农业生产者等现场描形写意的“中国梦劳动美——基层劳动者风采美术作品展”在京展出,以激发市民对农业的再认识。 记者15日获悉,市总工会透露,这次展览由北京市劳动人民文化宫和北京市农业局工会共同主办,其中在北京...

Jinghua times dispatch (reporter zhao peng) from now on until September 23, in the frontline positions of the national labor model of agricultural production and agricultural producers such as the tracing of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese "Chinese dream labor - grassroots workers style art exhibition" exhibition in Beijing, to inspire people to agriculture. The reporter learns 15, city federation of trade unions, according to the exhibition by the Beijing municipal labor people's cultural palace and the agriculture trade union jointly hosted in Beijing, one in Beijing...