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闵鹿蕾:新季增加老马休息时间 盼有人站出来

Kind of problem: the new season increase old time to rest Looking forward to someone to stand out

2016-10-26 14:12:13来源: 新浪

39岁的老马确实需要更多休息时间 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月26日消息,新赛季即将开始,北京队也进行了赛季前的公开训练。主教练闵鹿蕾表示,希望新赛季有更多的球员站出来帮助马布里分担压力。 闵...

39, you really need more time to rest Dispatch of sina sports News Beijing standard time on October 26, the new season is about to begin, Beijing also has carried on the public training before the start of the season. Coach said kind of problem, hope the new season has more players to come forward to help marbury share the pressure. Min...