新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不是三星!iPhone 8OLED屏版供应商将是国产生产

不是三星!iPhone 8OLED屏版供应商将是国产生产

Not samsung! 8 oled screen version of the iPhone suppliers will be domestic production

2016-12-25 20:36:39来源: TechWeb

多年来,iPhone的屏幕供应商不外乎三星、LG、夏普、Japan Display这几家企业。不过,假如iPhone产品线开始使用OLED屏幕,中国大陆的厂商有可能会分到一杯羹。威锋网消息,根据市场调研机构IHSMarkit的报告,由于OLED屏幕的龙头老大三星无法保证供应面板,中国大陆...

Over the years, the iPhone's screen supplier is samsung, LG, sharp, Japan Display this several enterprises. However, if the iPhone product line started using OLED screen, mainland China would likely receive a slice of the manufacturer. Wei feng network news, according to market-research firm IHSMarkit report, as a result of the OLED screen is the leader of samsung cannot guarantee supply panel, mainland China...

标签: 三星