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到怀来尝尝“杏”福的味道 石片黄杏采摘节开幕

To you feel taste "apricot" blessing Stone chips Amy picking the opening

2016-07-02 09:10:38来源: 长城网

长城网张家口7月1日讯(记者张世豪 通讯员王文斌 崔永胜)7月1日,以“‘杏’福的味道”为主题,由张家口人民广播电台、张家口新闻网、中共怀来县委宣传部主办,怀来县官厅镇人民政府、怀来县孙庄子乡人民政...

The Great Wall net zhangjiakou, July 1 (reporter Zhang Shihao correspondent wang wenbin Yong-sheng cui) on July 1, "" apricot" f "as the theme, by zhangjiakou zhangjiakou news of people's broadcasting station, and the communist party of China (the county party committee propaganda department, offers stretches the guanting town people's government, huailai county sun zhuang zi fellow villager home...