新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惊!残奥男子1500米前四名成绩均超里约奥运冠军


Surprised! Paralympic games men's 1500 m final four grades are super Rio Olympic champion

2016-09-13 16:23:39来源: 华体网

残奥会1500米前三名 讯 英国《每日邮报》报道,在本周一进行的里约残奥会田径男子1500米T13级比赛中,前四名选手成绩均超过了上个月在里约奥运会该项目冠军美国运动员森特罗维茨的夺冠成绩。残奥冠...

The top three paralympic games 1500 meters - the UK, the daily mail reported on Monday to the Rio paralympic games track and field in the competition of men's 1500 m T13 category, the top four players scores than last month the project in Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games champion American athletes, lowe's record. The paralympic crown...