新关注 > 信息聚合 > 交通部:“网约车”促销需提前10日公告


Ministry of Communications: "the net about car promotion for 10 days in advance notice

2015-10-10 16:09:38来源: 亿邦动力网


2015 October 10, 2001, the Ministry of transport released the" on deepening the reform to further advance the taxi industry healthy development of guidance (Draft) "(hereinafter referred to as the" guidance ") and the network reservation taxi business service management Interim Measures (Draft)" (hereinafter referred to as the "management measures"), for a period of one month for public comment. "Management approach" clearly, the network booking taxi (referred to as "net about car") business services, is to rely on the Internet technology to build a service platform, access to meet the conditions of the vehicle and the driver, through the integration of supply and demand information, to provide a non tour booking taxi service business activities. The "management approach" requires that the network of about 7 vehicles should be the following passenger vehicles, the use of the nature of the registration for the rental of passenger vehicles, the category of rental vehicles, road transport. If the driver wants to become a net about the driver, should obtain the corresponding quasi driving vehicle driver's license and has 3 years...