新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙斗士狼人怎么预约


Dragon fighter how to make an appointment to the

2015-07-11 11:21:40来源: 4399

龙斗士狼人怎么预约?龙斗士怎么预约狼人? 答:龙斗士狼人预约要再7月10日开启,在欢乐西街找到狼人预约的活动,进入活动之后就可以进行预约。 普通成员预约是免费进行,点击预约,下周搭建新职业之后,就可以免费领取10个觉醒能量、梦幻龙吉、白萝卜种子、家园币、肥料 圣龙骑士专属预约是要花...

dragon warrior wolf how to make an appointment? Dragon fighter how to make an appointment for a wolf? Answer: dragon fighter to make an appointment to open again in July 10th, in the joy of the street to find a wolf reservation activities, after entering the event can make an appointment. Ordinary members of the reservation is free of charge, click on the appointment next week to build a new career, you can receive a free 10 awakening energy, dream Jilong, white radish seeds, home currency, fertilizer Shenglong Knight exclusive appointment is to spend...