新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上周资金持续流出A股概念炒作降温


Cool hype money outflow A shares last week

2016-07-25 08:57:44来源: 新浪

证券时报记者 汤亚平 尽管上周欧美股市不断刷新历史新高,但A股依然我行我素地横盘震荡,使得市场再次担心其波动方向。 技术上,不管主板还是创业板,都在向20日线靠近,收出了中阴线,后市调整将继...

The securities times reporter ya-ping tang Although European and American market constantly refresh record highs last week, but the a-share returns to sideways shock, that makes the market worried about the wave direction again. Technology, no matter the mainboard or gem, are to be near 20 lines, Yin line in closed out, afternoon adjustment will follow the...