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从东京霸到上海 SNH48成沪上最“热眼”风景线

From Tokyo to Shanghai in the SNH48 into Shanghai's most "hot eye" scenery line

2016-07-28 13:44:38来源: 中国青年网

腾讯娱乐讯 强势霸屏秋叶原、涩谷户外大屏数日,SNH48向海外传递本土美少女的偶像魅力。回到SNH48的大本营上海,美少女们的身影也登上了魔都的各大地标区域——外滩、人民广场、陆家嘴、淮海中路等。如...

Tencent entertainment - Strong bully screen akihabara, shibuya outdoor screen for days, SNH48 overseas transfer local beautiful girl idol charm. Back to SNH48 stronghold of Shanghai, the figure of beautiful girls also boarded the magic are major landmarks regions - the bund, people's square, lujiazui, huaihai road, etc. Such as...