新关注 > 信息聚合 > 二手房成交环比下跌 “8·12”事故对天津楼市影..

二手房成交环比下跌 “8·12”事故对天津楼市影..

Second-hand housing transaction chain fell 8 - 12 "accident on the property market in Tianjin shadow..

2015-08-18 21:14:22来源: 每经网

进入8月,天津楼市成交出现放缓走势。上周(8月10~8月16日),天津市商品房销售均价和二手房的成交面积均在环比下跌。 (8月13日拍摄的爆炸现场。新华社记者 岳月伟 摄) 每经记者 王杰 ...

entered in August, Tianjin property market turnover slowdown trend. Last week (August 10~8 16), Tianjin commercial housing sales price and second-hand housing turnover area are in the chain fell. (the scene of the explosion in August 13th. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Yuewei photo) every reporter Wang Chieh...