新关注 > 信息聚合 > Rovio表示将开发《愤怒的小鸟》虚拟现实版


Rovio said will develop "angry birds" virtual reality version of the

2015-05-14 16:25:09来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】 如今可穿戴设备和虚拟现实设备逐渐增多,同时,为更好地为消费者服务和满足消费需求,许多游戏开发者便开始尝试研发虚拟现实版的游戏。最近,Rovio游戏工作室在Twitter上表示,自己将开发虚拟现实版的《愤怒的小鸟》游戏,并且在上周末里约热内卢摇滚音乐节进行了展示...

[Yesky the news channel news nowadays can be wearable devices and virtual reality equipment gradually increased, at the same time, it is better for the customer service, and to meet the consumer demand, many game developers began to try to research and development of virtual reality version of the game. Recently, Rovio Game Studios on twitter said they will develop virtual reality version of angry birds game, and in Rio de Janeiro rock music festival at the weekend for a show...