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Japan Switch and PS4 sales record

2017-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

根据昨天日本Media Create给出的销量统计和历史数据来看,在日本国内任天堂和索尼的两部游戏机Switch以及PS4分别达到了两百五十万以及五百万台。 任天堂Switch自今年3月3日开始在日本国内上市,经过短短数月的时间,在该国的总销量就已经突破了两百五十万台,而且连续数个月一直保持缺货状态,一度曾需要玩家摇号排队才能获得购买资格。目前Switch在日本的总销量达到了2.522.298台,已经连续两周销量超过10万台。 另一方面,尽管日本家用机市场逐年萎缩,索尼的PS4也在上周完成了总销量突破五百万台。虽然在刚刚推出的第一年PS4遇到了游戏阵容等问题,不过据统计,PS4自从201...

According to yesterday, the Japanese Media Create the given sales statistics and historical data, nintendo and SONY in Japan two game Switch and PS4 reached two million five hundred thousand and two million five hundred thousand, respectively. Nintendo Switch begin on March 3 this year on the market in Japan, after just a few months time, the country's total sales already broke through two million five hundred thousand, and has maintained for several months out of stock, once need lottery players queuing to buy. Now Switch 2.522.298 units in total sales in Japan, has sold more than 100000 units daily for two weeks. On the other hand, although the Japanese console market shrinking year by year, SONY PS4 also finished sales exceed five million units last week. And despite the recent launch of the first year of PS4 met the line-up, but according to statistics, PS4 since 201...

标签: PS PS4 Switch