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Air purifier which brand is good? The strongest power ranking fresh!

2017-12-26 12:16:54来源: DoNews


In recent years, China's air quality problems mount, even indoor air is "not". Haze, dust, decorate pollution problems such as continuously, consumers are choosing air purifier to improve indoor air quality. According to statistics, in the first half of 2017, the air purifier sales of 8.4 billion yuan, up 39% from a year earlier, 2017 annual sales are expected to exceed 2017 units. In such a hot market, many enterprises have set foot on the air purifier industry, all want a share, get rich. So, polarization air purifiers on the market, quality the good and bad are intermingled. So, consumer is when the choose and buy air purifier, must polish eyes, selection of manufacturers of professional, dedicated, powerful, because the brand strength is the biggest guarantee product quality and efficacy. The strongest power air purifier, brand strength is everything! First: the Fijian, Germany TOMEFON (Fiji) environment company was founded in 197...