新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天津特大暴雨:涉水车辆在水中熄火人被困在车内..


Torrential rain in Tianjin: wading vehicle flameout in the water trapped in the car..

2015-07-20 11:22:05来源: 中国网

图为消防员大雨中上演推车救人 7月19日下午,强降雨使天津武清区上马台镇云景道、泰源路等部分道路积水最深约500毫米,导致十余辆汽车水中熄火且车内人员被困。接警后,消防武清支队下朱庄中队立即派救援人员赶往现场,冒着大雨救援。 7月19日16时5分,消防救援人员赶到事发路段看到,道...

figure for firefighters and rain staged carts save July 19 in the afternoon, the heavy rainfall to Tianjin Wuqing District, Ma Tai Zhen Cloud View Road, Taiyuan Road, road and water the deepest about 500 mm, resulting in more than ten vehicles car flameout in water and people in the car trapped. After the alarm, Wuqing Fire detachment under Zhu Zhuang squadron immediately sent rescue personnel rushed to the scene, braved the rain rescue. July 19th sixteen five, fire rescue workers rushed to the incident to see the road...