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"Peach Blossom Source Records 2" New Clothes Open Tomorrow

2016-09-29 11:15:25来源: 新浪

导语:文才武略闯江湖,普天同庆迎十一!国庆狂欢,《桃花源记2》新服“普天同庆”火爆预约中,明日中午12:00震撼开启!更有Ipadmini、超值游戏礼包等好礼倾情放送,国庆活动抢先看! 【明日12点新服开启】 十一长假出门看人头,不如在家玩游戏!《桃花源记2》新服“普天重庆”明日...

Introduction: Literary talent and martial arts rush into the rivers and lakes, celebrating the eleventh anniversary in the whole world! National Day carnival, "Peach Blossom Source 2" new clothes "All Heaven and Celebration" hot appointment, tomorrow at 12:00 noon shocks open! There are also Ipadmini, value-added game gifts and other good gifts to send, the National Day activities to watch first! [New clothes open at 12 o'clock tomorrow] It's better to play games at home when you go out to watch the heads of people during the eleventh long vacation. "Peach Blossom Source 2" new clothes "Putian Chongqing" tomorrow.