新关注 > 信息聚合 > 饮食必知:哪些蔬菜凉拌吃会导致中毒


Diet will know, what eat vegetable salad can lead to poisoning

2016-01-27 08:03:30来源: 人民网黑龙江频道

原标题:饮食必知:哪些蔬菜凉拌吃会导致中毒(组图) 大家都知道蔬菜所含营养素,如维生素C及维生素B族,易被烹调破坏,生吃有利于这些营养成分的保存。但由于蔬菜品种的关系,有些蔬菜最好放在开水里焯一...

The original title: diet will know: what vegetables salad to eat can lead to poisoning (map) everyone knows vegetables contain nutrients, such as vitamin C and vitamin B group, is easily destroyed by cooking, raw is conducive to the preservation of these nutrients. But because of the varieties of vegetables, some vegetables in boiling water for a best...