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Shenzhen hook: the last four of the berdych, kratos, strive for the final

2016-10-01 06:28:57来源: 新浪

伯蒂奇 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月1日,2016年ATP深圳公开赛将进行两场单打半决赛的较量。赛会卫冕冠军伯蒂奇、3号种子加斯奎特、塞尔维亚名将蒂普萨勒维奇以及巴西好手贝鲁奇将悉数亮相半决赛,为...

Berdych sina sports news Beijing time on October 1, 2016 ATP shenzhen open will be for two singles semi-final battle. Defending champion berdych, 3 seed, stern, Serbia will janko saller appearance and Brazil player (will appear on the semi-finals, as...