新关注 > 信息聚合 > 下单还送锅 京东韩国惠人榨汁机1980元

下单还送锅 京东韩国惠人榨汁机1980元

Place an order to the pot Jingdong Korea Hui people press 1980 yuan

2015-04-23 18:27:09来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】现在的榨汁机更讲究能保留食物的营养,于是商家应运而生一种“慢速榨汁机”。惠人这个牌子在韩国还是很受主妇们喜爱的,号称“不只是榨汁机,更是营养提取机”,面向注重健康饮食,讲究生活品质的时尚熟女。目前京东商城推出1980元特供型号:HU-700CB,下单购买还送双立...

[IT168] what is worth buying Juicer now pay more attention to the nutrition of the food can be preserved, so business emerge as the times require a "slow juicer". This brand of Hui people in South Korea are very popular with housewives favorite, known as "not just a juicer, more nutrient extraction machine", the focus on healthy eating, pay attention to the quality of life of fashion Cougar. At present Jingdong mall launched 1980 yuan special type: HU-700CB, place an order to buy and double vertical...

标签: 京东