新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一周要闻:腾讯索尼任天堂吹皱一池春水


This week: Tencent Sony Nintendo blow a pond

2015-03-23 10:35:06来源: 太平洋游戏网

上周游戏圈发生三件大事,一是腾讯控股有限公司公布2014年全年综合财报,二是期待已久的索尼国行版PS4上市,三是任天堂宣布与DeNa合作搅局手游市场。风乍起,吹皱一池春水,太平洋游戏网为您盘点一周游戏圈要闻。 腾讯透露2014年该公司网络游戏获得强劲增长,主要归功于推出新游戏的增长带...

last week the circle game occurred three events, one is the Tencent Holdings Ltd announced in 2014 the comprehensive annual earnings, two is Sony country for version PS4 long-awaited listed, three is Nintendo announced cooperation with DeNa Mobile Games market spoiler. The first wind, blow a pond, the Pacific Games for your check one week circle game news. Tencent revealed in 2014 the company network game, access to robust growth, mainly due to the introduction of new game growth zone...