新关注 > 信息聚合 > 畅玩大唐盛世《桃花源记2》坐骑系统大揭密


Chang play datangshengshi "the peach garden 2 mounts system all mysteries

2016-09-07 01:14:50来源: 新浪

导语:360游戏独家代理运营的《桃花源记2》,以武皇统治下的盛唐为背景,旨在为大众打造一款身边的桃花源。游戏将于9月14日开启不限号测试,为轻爽不删档内测。 在游戏内,天地万物都会受到桃花源的影响而充满了灵气,就连普通的物品,也会变成生灵,拥有自己的意识,带给你全新的飞仙般的感受。风...

Guide language: the 360 games to be the sole agent for operating the 2 "peach garden, to wu HuangTong under tang dynasty as the background, aims to build a peach garden around to the public. The game will open any test on September 14, for the light bright don't delete file closed. Within the game, the universe will be affected by the peach garden and full of reiki, even ordinary items, will also become beings, have their own consciousness, bring you new flying fairy sort of feeling. The wind...