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LOL美服1.21全新内容大全 全盛时刻皮肤上架

LOL 1.21 US service new content encyclopedia skin Added prime time

2016-01-22 09:59:01来源: TechWeb

今天的测试服中,新英雄上线皮肤全盛时刻 烬、猎手猎手 德莱文、野兽猎手 瑟庄妮以及野兽猎手 泰达米尔更新了皮肤插画。跟着小编一起来看看吧~ 全盛时刻 烬(国服名称待定) 野兽猎手 德莱文、瑟庄妮与泰达米尔(国服名称待定) 祖安狂人 蒙多医生 E技能 *从百分比已损失生命值获得的...

Today's testing service, a new line of skin hero prime time ember, Hunter Hunter Levin, Joseph Chong-ni Beast Hunter Beast Hunter Tryndamere and updated skin illustration. Xiaobian prime time with a look ~ ember (national service name to be determined) Beast Hunter Levin, Joseph Chong-ni and Tryndamere (national service name to be determined) Zuan madman Dr Mundo E * skills from the percentage loss of life values ​​obtained ...

标签: LOL