新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两点十分创始人、首席执行官王世勇:消费升级+城市升级+动漫形成新生态


Wang Shiyong, founder and chief executive of "Two Ten Points": consumption upgrade + urban upgrade + animation to form a new ecology

2017-12-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网武汉12月13日电(肖璐欣)12日下午,在2017中国网络文化产业年会动漫论坛上,两点十分的创始人、首席执行官王世勇做了题为《动漫IP商业逻辑及消费品合作》的演讲,他从对行业简单的理解以及如何做IP两方面内容发表了自己看法。 2013年左右,动漫产业还处在困境之中,2015年是中国IP产业的元年,也成为了中国动漫产业逆袭的元年。“2016年以前游戏公司解决的问题是,买IP是为了新游戏导流,但是后来发现买游戏IP也挺贵的。很多游戏的生命周期是8个月、两年或者是三年死掉了,怎样拓展生命力,就是将原来的游戏扩展IP,发现游戏公司也在做动漫。”王世勇说,除了游戏公司所有的文学网站、消费品...

Wuhan, December 13 (Xiao Luxin) 12 afternoon, in the Animation Forum of the annual meeting of China's network culture industry in 2017, Wang Shiyong, founder and CEO of the two-point-ten, gave a speech entitled "animation IP business logic and consumer goods cooperation," he from the industry's simple understanding and how to do the two aspects of IP. My own view. Around 2013, the animation industry is still in trouble, 2015 is the first year of China's IP industry, has become the first year of China's animation industry. "Before 2016, game companies solved the problem of buying IP for new game diversion, but later found that buying game IP is also very expensive. A lot of game life cycle is 8 months, 2 years or 3 years died, how to expand vitality, is to expand the original game IP, found that the game company is also doing animation. Wang Shiyong said that in addition to all the literary websites and consumer products of the game company,