新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞嘉年华华南赛17日约战广州大学城


Let the gaming Carnival South China tournament on the 17th Yuezhan Guangzhou University City

2015-10-16 11:32:22来源: 新浪

TI5总决赛的战斗让所有人为之激动,最后时刻,CDEC全员复活镇守高地中路,仍然在EG的铁蹄前轰然倒下的悲壮一幕想必至今仍让许多人难忘。尽管中国军团未能二度捧起冠军盾,但中国DOTA2奋战到底的精神却留在了所有人心底。 你是否也和其他DOTA2爱好者一样,憧憬着在万众瞩目的赛场上指挥...

TI5 finals fighting all people excited, the last moment, CDEC full resurrection guarding the Highland Road, still in eg the heel before crashing down the tragic scene must still make many people unforgettable. Although Chiese Teams failed to two won the championship shield, but China DOTA2 fight spirit is in the heart. Do you also like other DOTA2 enthusiasts, longing for the command in the highly anticipated game...

标签: 电竞 嘉年华